Inhale Spring for Happiness
Spring is the perfect time to step out of the dark, contemplative hibernation that lends itself so beautifully to winter, to dust off the snow, the cold and muck that’s collected over the past few weeks, months – maybe longer – and to give yourself permission to blossom. Enjoy the energy of the season! Light and energy is in the air – the energy to help you move forward with the new happy life you deserve.
We approach the idea of new beginnings and blossoming, and the steps required to obtain it, in ‘Happy Again! The Art of Positive Separation’. No matter how far along in your breakup, separation, or divorce you are, it’s important to flower in the near to distant future again. You can do this in small ways or big ways.
You’ll blossom in so many different ways over the course of your positive separation. Picture cherry blossoms on branches. The trees bear multiple buds, all in the midst of various stages of development. Some blossoms have absorbed quite a lot of sun, others, too little; some blossoms are the result of too little water, others, too much water; some flowers have received too much attention from passers-by, others, perhaps need the knowledgeable hand of a gardener.
No matter where you are in the process of your separation, your flowering joy will be just like this: moments and actions. We celebrate these moments of positive growth, because each one is a reminder that you will be continuously happy again. You will find your bliss, in whatever form it takes.
By following the steps associated with the Positive Separation Method and taking the actions that are part of it, you are on your way to blossom again in your own time. Day by day, you will feel the energy to start blooming again. Some people are new to the method. The real question is – how much positivity are you ready for? And even more importantly – what do you want your blossom to be like? How would you like to blossom this spring?
Ready to celebrate the “new you” in a major way? Call on your favorite friends, family members, or your Winning Team and throw yourself a “launch party.” (Learn more about gathering your Winning Team in “Your Winning Team: Your Stellar Support System”)
Wrap up the energy of your separation process and close the door on that phase of your life once and for all. You have done a lot of hard work to move yourself into a loving, empowered place, and it’s time to acknowledge your efforts!
Clean your apartment: your windows, floors. Organize the surfaces of your tables and desks to accommodate visitors. Bake your favorite meal or cake. Invite your favorite people and celebrate the appearance of joy in your life, or, if you’re ready – launch the new happy you! Let yourself shine!
Reward your efforts so far and invite happiness into your day, by creating small and simple positive pockets that will bring moments of levity to your day. Let the happy color of yellow be a signpost for your days.
Try reading the newspaper in the morning sun, checking out a coffee house or restaurant you have never been to before, buy yourself flowers and put them on your table to admire each morning. You might put on your favorite album, or watch your favorite movie before bed.
Remember: the size of your pocket of positive energy is not important. Permit yourself to grow and soak up that positive energy in big or small amounts. On your path to happiness, every day will feel different, every emotion contains space for embracing yourself with love.
Your happiness is a positive outcome that you’ve put substantial work into making. It’s a positive outcome that’s unique to you – you are the only one who knows what that happiness can and should look like. That’s why it’s an art – your happiness is something that you create.
Want to start flowering right away? Visit my website for free downloads and more tips.
Choose a Star Action as a
Gift to Yourself Today!
The Star Actions are part of my Positive Separation Method and give you a positive boost in the direction of happiness. Here are some Star Actions to make your day - and your future - even brighter! Learn more about Star Actions in this post.
Picking wildflowers on my bike!
Happy Spring Day: Today or any day of the week, even if it’s cold outside and signs of spring are not around the corner, whether it’s winter or summer – declare one day “Happy Spring Day.” During that day, spend at least two hours cleaning your living space, open the windows, dust as a happy duster, move furniture around in a new way, take a shower, put on light, fun clothes. Any negative thoughts or emotions? Write them on pieces of paper and gather them. Go outside for a spring walk and either tear the papers, burn them, or let them float in a river. Follow this up with your favorite activity (a hobby, spending time with friends, reading a magazine at home, etc.).
Pick your Favorite Flowers: Draw or find photos of your favorite flowers (daisy, cherry blossom, daffodil, daisy, peony, rose, sweet pea, wisteria, iris, tulip). Write down what each flower gives you as energy. How can these flowers boost your mood? If it seems fun, google “the secret language of flowers.” A good bunch of real (picked) flowers can give even more boost to this Star Action.
Flower Walk: Put your shoes on, take your pet or bring a child from the house who feels like a stroll. Mission: find ten different flowers that make you happy. They might be wildflowers, flowers from your garden or your neighbor’s garden, they might be from the park, on a stranger’s front yard, or behind a fence at your local botanical garden. Stop for one minute at each flower. Breath in the beautiful energy and be grateful for the moment and the day. Smile and go on. (If you take your pet along, kneel and pet your pet at each flower; if you take a child, investigate each flower in detail together.)
Eveline Jurry is the creator of the Positive Separation Method™ and the author of three books, including ‘Happy Again! The Art of Positive Separation’. From her home base in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, she teaches people how to create a happy future during and after divorce or separation.